Vins de prestige

Welcome to our world of high end wines

This site offers you an encounter with the rarest and most expensive wines in the world.

Often very expensive, for exceptional moments or just for pleasure, wine is a very special juice. In many religions, it establishes a link with the divine.
Greek legends tell of Ganymede, the shepherd boy who was taken by Zeus to Mount Olympus so that he could be the cupbearer of the gods and live there forever.
Metaphysical magic can also be applied to wine production. For example, when organic viticulture meets biodynamic culture. Or when wine becomes a symbol of sharing, a creator of friendships, the basis of a community and the gateway to a freedom of thought linked to the emotional world.
Wine has always been the very element that represents the connection with the gods, that can awaken the divine part in us.
There are wines that really touch the soul, that trigger emotions that one never forgets. A description does not do justice to these wines; one fails to find his own words. The feeling of happiness comes only with the tasting of the wine.  It develops fascinating new aromas as it ages.  This elevates wine above all other possible pleasures.
Only music can add to this pleasure a complementary richness.
Since both are a mirror of the soul and stimulators of intuitive movements in the language of the inexpressible, in order to understand ourselves as human beings.
One could also say that we compose music and wine because they are about man in his deepest self and not a story about man. Both speak the language of man's essence, not a language about objects or worldly events.
And the being shines when the music ends and the glass is emptied. It is the representation of the "being".
Music and wine are languages. Languages that can say something that cannot be said in the same way by anything else. In this sense, they say something unspeakable with respect to our feelings. Music and wine are therefore in no way, like the other arts, the image of ideas, but rather the image of the deep source of our reality itself, of which ideas are also the objectivity. This is why the play of music and wine is so much more powerful and penetrating than that of the other arts, for the latter speak only of shadows, whereas wine and music speak of light.

Wines are projections from another dimension. In gems, the spiritual essence is crystallized, in wines, it is dissolved. They are revelations of the One.
A wine worthy of the name is the quintessence of the triumphant joys that alone make existence bearable. Before leading to drunkenness and intoxication, it provokes a vertigo which is the sign of a successful communion of a "me" with itself and with others" (Michel Onfray)

Our site wishes to participate in this small philosophy and its environment in order to bring you all the support so that you can fully enjoy the world of wines!